campus94 meets sir oscar - CAMPUS94


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Wednesday, 24 June 2015

campus94 meets sir oscar

campus94 meets sir oscar


Welcome to campus94, so can we meet you?

Aright, my name is Odiboh Oscar Ediose.
I’m a 400level theater arts student of uniben.
I’m from a family of 5(inclusive of my mum and dad)
I’m also a music artiste by profession and an actor by training.
My dad owns an international company (Afribaby) which sells baby products and renders baby related services. He also owns an advert agency, my mum works with him.
I’m based in Lagos.

Tell us a little more about your educational background.

Okay, I did my primary education at staff school Lagos.
I later moved on to st finbarrs college, where I rounded off my secondary education.
I sat for utme and putme and got admitted into uniben to study theater arts.

Tells us more about your music.

Well I professionally started music 2 years back (2013).
I’ve always been interested in Arts. I love it, and music is an art.
Before I do a song, I pray.
The song which first shot me to limelight was “agbani darego”. It was produced by M.R.K. in Lagos.
My song “jeje” (2014) was the first song I ever premiered in Lagos, it was premiered by beat Fm Lagos.

I honestly feel it’s a privilege to be able to perform on this campus.
                                                                                        Sir Oscar.
I’ve shared stage with the likes of Sean tizzle and oritse femi, during the Coca-Cola tour show.

picture credit from campus prodigy with moses Akerele 

So you said you are an actor by training, please shed more light.

Well I already have a 3 year training as a director.
I co-directed “king emene” by zulu shofola, and “lamgbodo”.
Actually, I specifically chose uniben for its rich culture.

So how much do you charge on an average for a show?

LOL. It depends, but if it is a Lagos event, I charge about 20k for a show.

Campus94 :
So tell us Mr Oscar, do you have a girlfriend? 

Oscar :
Yeah. I do.

Campus94 :
Hmm.... Tell us about her. 

Oscar :
 I have a wonderful girlfriend. Her name's Abies. she's a 200level fine and applied arts student of uniben. We've been dating for a year nw.

 sorry Ladies, he's taken...

Campus94 : 
So tell me Oscar, what's the craziest experience you've had in school, sorta like, that moment you look back on and you laugh out loud. 

Oscar :
Well... Wait.
Make I think about am first.
Crazy moment. 
Crazy moment. 
 That should be when I performed at Macsa awards night. I was very sick, I couldn't even walk, but I made up my mind that, worse comes to worst I won't disappoint my Fans so with the help of Esbee and two other guys, I was literally carried to the event and I performed on stage,  though my performance wasn't too energetic, the fans seemed to have enjoyed the show.

Campus94 :
Wow, awon Clark Kent(superman)

Campus94 : 
So you appear to be a very good Christian. How did that come about?

Well I used to be a very rough guy before 2010. Around that time I had a beef with someone and I almost stabbed the person, but I didn’t.  and after that experience I sat down and took a good look at my life and I decided to change and ever since, I haven't looked back. 

Campus94 :
So mr Oscar. Ekehuan campus is known to house a couple fine looking girls, so in your own opinion, who are the hottest girls on Ekehuan campus? 

Oscar :
LOL. I don't really give eyes to any girl on campus,  but in my own opinion, the hottest girls are:
(in order of hottest) 

(5). Jane (100 level mass comm)

(4). Ruth (100 level THR)

(3). Gabriella (200level masscomm)

(2). Tonia (300level THR)

(1). Abies (200level fine art)

Campus94 : aiit. Babe number 1, it's aiit no problem.
So tell me Mr Oscar where is your favorite spot in Ek city to hang out?

Oscar :
My room,  I'm a very reserved person. My gf's the one who gets me out of it. She comes and she drags me out of the room saying it has enjoyed me enough and it's time to get out.

Campus94 :
Who are your top 3 Ek city's artiste?

Oscar :
I've got a couple of them, but my top three are:
Esbee, nex'page, and Bereal.
Bereal is also a producer and is currently producing my next song which would be dropping soon.

My playlist :
Davido - the sound.
Nex'page - craze for you.
Tuface - Rainbow
Esbee - jedi love.

My advice :
My advice to up and coming acts is please be close to God.
And have something different about you. Something that makes your sounds different and unique.

From the entire campus94 team,  we thank you for your time, keep doing good music and the sky would be ur starting point.

Connect with sir oscar on the following platforms:

Twitter  : @Odibohoscar 

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