romanian teenager gets burnt alive while trying to take a selfie - CAMPUS94


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Sunday, 14 June 2015

romanian teenager gets burnt alive while trying to take a selfie

romanian teenagerA  Romanian teenager, Anna Ursu, has died from severe burns after touching a live wire while trying to take a “Selfie” at the roof of a train. 
The teenager and her friend went to a train station in the Northeastern part of the country, to take a photograph she intended to post on Facebook.
While trying to take the picture as she laid on top of the train and stuck one of her legs in the air, an electrical field surrounding the overhead cables sent 27,000 volts through her body.
As she burst into flames, a passer-by who saw the horrific accident risked his own life by scrambling on top of the carriage to extinguish the girl’s burning clothes before phoning the emergency services.
The electric charge that hit her body caused her friend who is 17 year old to fly off the roof of the stationary train.
Efforts by the passer-by to save Ursu (18yr old) was aborted as she later died in the hospital where both teenagers had been airlifted to with up to 50% of her body burnt.
The friend of the late Ursu is trying to recover in the hospital. She told investigators that the pair had wanted to get the ‘ultimate selfie’ and hadn’t stopped to think of the danger.
The passer-by who witnessed the accident explained he had been going for a walk when he spotted the girls playing on top of the carriage.
Aware of the dangers of the live wire, the man said that he called out to the teenagers to keep their heads and legs down.
However, seconds later he heard a loud bang and turned to see Miss Ursu burst into flames.
A hospital spokesman said that although the girl hadn’t directly touched the wire, she had come in to contact with its electrical field, which was very deadly.

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