Check out what your lips shape tells about your personality - CAMPUS94


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Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Check out what your lips shape tells about your personality

The Correlation Between Lip Shape And
Personality Is Shocking
Lips are all the rage thanks to celebs like Kylie Jenner, but
what do our lips really say about us?
Leading lipsology expert Jilly Eddy studied lip prints for 30
years and discovered correlations between personality traits
and lip characteristics. Find out what your lips shape says
about you!

1. Heart-shaped lips mean you are creative and

People with heart-shaped lips are incredibly romantic and
expressive, while possessing a sense of glamour. They are
also highly intelligent and creative thinkers with an
opinionated voice.

2. Thin lips mean you're ambitious and independent.
Ladies with thin lips are highly driven and tend to be
overachievers. They're also fiercely independent. At their
heart, they are incredibly caring and sensitive beings.

3. Full lips mean you are caring and supportive.

If you have full lips, you're confident and self-assured but at the root of it are also very caring and supportive of other people. Because of your confidence and compassionate spirit, you tend to have many good relationships. People with thicker lips are also said to be more passionate

4. Round lips mean you're a risk-taker.

Women with round lips are outspoken, confident and very
willing to take risks. They're always up for a good adventure
and their magnetic personality draws people in.

5. Goldilocks lips mean you're level-headed.

"Goldilocks lips" are when the cupid's bow doesn't have a
distinct peak or dip, but blends together instead. These
people are level-headed and not dramatic. Because of their
considerate nature, they make great partners and lead
happy lives.

Where do you fall into??

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