4 times when you shouldn't call a woman cute. - CAMPUS94


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Saturday, 28 January 2017

4 times when you shouldn't call a woman cute.

Women like compliments, and there is a special time and
place for describing a woman as “cute.” But, keep in mind
that fluffy bunnies and little children are called “cute”
frequently as well and that’s not always the category your
wife wants to fit in.
Here are four situations when saying, “You’re cute” to a
woman is inappropriate:
1. When she’s dressed up
When a woman makes an effort to look beautiful and the
only response you offer her is, “You look cute,” it stings.
She likes to look good for herself, but she definitely
appreciates (and wants) you to acknowledging how
stunning she is. She will more than likely be upset if “cute”
is the only word you can muster. If a woman makes an
effort to look good, take the time to compliment her
2. When she is angry
Despite any facial expressions or hand gestures, you should
never call a woman “cute” when she is angry or frustrated,
especially if her frustration stems from something you’ve
done. To her, calling her “cute” in this situation indicates
you don’t value her feelings or thoughts, and laughing at her
facial expressions or expressing her adorableness will only
infuriate her more. Instead, make her feel valued and listen
carefully to what she has to say.
3. When she is at a work function
It doesn’t matter if you’re attending her work function or if
she is attending yours, “cute” is not an appropriate term of
endearment in a business setting. “Cute” in this sense can
make a woman look or feel like she is insignificant, arm
candy or unimportant. Instead, praise her skills and
accomplishments and use words like “beautiful” or
4. When she shares her accomplishments
A woman shares her accomplishments when she is proud
of them. To her, calling her efforts “cute” feels like the same
as saying, “Well good try” or “I don’t care enough about you
to pay attention.” Be proud of what she has done, and make
your pride in her clear. Appreciate the time she put into the
project she is showing you.
“Cute” isn’t a forbidden word, and some women even strive
for a “cute look” or enjoy the compliment. Yet, most women
in general do not want to be called “cute” in any of the
above situations.


  1. Na. I don't fully agree. U can and should call her cute in times when she's angry. It will only make her laugh. At least it works for me.

    1. Oh well, different strokes for different folks.


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