A Man Stuck A 'Sensitive Body Part' In A Gym Weight Because Guys Are Gross Like That… - CAMPUS94


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Monday, 18 September 2017

A Man Stuck A 'Sensitive Body Part' In A Gym Weight Because Guys Are Gross Like That…

We're going to miss you, 2.5-kilogram gym weight...

On Friday, the Worms Fire Department in Worms, Germany Facebook-ed about a recent incident where they were called to the hospital to help a patient with a "somewhat different kind" of problem.

It turns out the man had stuck "a very sensitive body part in the hole" of fitness equipment, which they had to saw apart!

"With the aid of the cutting grinder, a vibrating saw, and a hydraulic rescue device," the crew were able to free the unlucky dude after three hours of work.

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While its pretty obvious that the naughty gym goer stuck his penis into the weight's orifice, the Fire Department won't explicitly say.

However, people are totally convinced he did! Social media users wrote (translated from German):

"Did he stick his dick in the hole? If so, how do you come up with shit like that? Was that supposed to be an exercise for more stamina in bed?"

"Whoa dude seriously? They only fit your index finger, seriously I work with those weights every day. Sorry but he must have had a pretty small one if he fit in there."

"When his grandkids ask him one day: 'Grandpa, what was your biggest accomplishment in life?' He can say: 'One time I went viral on the internet...' And his grandkids will say: 'What? How?' And he'll go: 'Well um there was that one time I went to the gym...'"

People on Twitter chimed in by saying:

Oh, and the firefighters urge:

"Please do not imitate such actions!"

Boys will be boys...

[Image via Worms Fire Department/Facebook.]

posted by CAMPUS94

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