Dallas Cowboys Join In On The NFL Protest & Donald Trump Once Again Tries To Rain On Their Patriotism - CAMPUS94


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Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Dallas Cowboys Join In On The NFL Protest & Donald Trump Once Again Tries To Rain On Their Patriotism

Donald Trump is having a lot of trouble handling the ongoing peaceful protests in the NFL right now.

In fact, POTUS wants so badly to control the players kneeling during the National Anthem, he's starting to write his very own narrative about it!

On Monday night, Jerry Jones and the Dallas Cowboys served up a big "EFF YOU" to the Big Cheeto by kneeling down on one knee while locking arms right before the National Anthem played.

Related: Tom Brady & Aaron Rodgers Support NFL Protests!

When the song started, however, Jones and his squad stood up and kept their arms locked. The Cardinals stood arms-locked the whole time.

This half-kneel is the craftiest move we've seen from a team so far following Trump's remarks over the weekend, in which he mused that owners should fire players who kneel in protest.

Unsurprisingly, Trump was not happy with Jones' response -- and, like any time he feels threatened or emasculated, decided to ignore the facts and claim victory anyway!

Early Tuesday morning, the president issued a response to the Cowboys' half-kneel, claiming the act prompted the loudest booing IN THE HISTORY OF BOOING from a football stadium. He tweeted:

LOL, really? The loudest you've ever heard? (Where's Sean Spicer when you need him for a "PERIOD."?)

Twitter users who were at the game pointed out that there wasn't actually much booing -- not like when the Cardinals scored, at least -- so, Trump then decided to claim victory by pretending the half-kneel was in submission to his POTUS-ness:

What an embarrassment. Don't pretend like the Cowboys were kneeling in solidarity with YOU, Drumpf -- they, like the rest of the league, are kneeling in protest of everything you stand for!

Missed the big moment? Watch the Cowboys take a knee (below):

[Image via C-SPAN/Sports Illustrated/Twitter.]

posted by CAMPUS94

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