Pulse Blogger: Wheel of life - CAMPUS94


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Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Pulse Blogger: Wheel of life

Watching the wheel go round

One of the things that I have come to understand in humans is that we all have fantasies about the kind of life we want.

As a coach, I witness the change in people’s body language when the reality of the fact that their lives are far from perfect or let me say, their definition of perfect, hits them.

One of the things that I have come to understand in humans is that we all have fantasies about the kind of life we want.

We also sometimes assume at some point in our lives, our fantasies are a true representation of the life we are meant to live and so we start to make our fantasies the basis for our decision because who wouldn’t want a classic story of I wished it and I got it right?

The danger of having these fantasies is that somehow we move reality into the background especially in areas where we are most uncomfortable or we experience turmoil.

I see life like a wheel. Like every wheel, there are always portions in it that make up the whole. These portions hold the things that matter to us most in life. These things change for every season of our life.

The wheel of life for a toddler is more about experiencing life and getting to know things and probably being naughty. While the wheel of life for an older person would be more introspective, thinking about the decisions made while younger and the ripple effect it has caused in their lives.

We all have portions in our wheels. It would be good to have a bit of a “How Market?” session with yourself time and again to find out if the direction your life is going is based on a fantasy or the reality of the life you have been given.

This time alone with you, asking real and sincere questions, would make you see the genuineness of your life. It would also make you see where there are lapses and need for some short term and long term improvements.

People are usually shocked that some of the things that are important to them have either been put in the recycle bin of their minds or left untapped or unused. But for a better illustration, let's just say it’s in hibernation. Talking to you about yourself would really and truly help.

You can also speak to friends and family (trusted ones) and ask for their candid but albeit coated in love opinion about what they comes to their mind when they think of you.

Never forget though that you are not a fabrication of anyone’s imagination except your creator.

So what happens when you have done the evaluation about yourself? I totally believe that you can in and around you find the right resources that you need to help yourself.

The internet offers amazing resources to help you think and work smarter than before. These resources were not available some years ago. You literally do not have any excuse as to the reason why you cannot have the life that you deserve and not just fantasize about.

You will never know the possibility of a thing, or a life changing event if you never try.

Written by Olabisi Oluyele Adebiyi

Olabisi Oluyele Adebiyi is a life and relationship coach, public speaker, trainer, blogger, media personality and a plus size fashion entrepreneur. She is driven with the passion to help people manage their relationships in whatever sphere in life. She strongly believes that a life of absolute balance is like reaching for the stars: if you don’t get to the stars, you should most definitely land on the moon. She loves music, cartoons, movies, travel, good food and the beach. She can be reached on the following social media platforms

Blog site: www.askyelelive.blogspot.com.ng

Email: oluadebiyi@gmail.com

IG: @iamoluyele

T: @iamoluyele

F: Askyelelive

G+: Olabisi Adebiyi

SOURCE - PULSE.NG posted by Campus94

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