Pulse Blogger: The task of identification - CAMPUS94


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Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Pulse Blogger: The task of identification

Who am I ?

You may not be responsible for the environment you were born or the experiences you had growing up. But, whatever you eventually become is a conscious decision to either be the victim of circumstance or be the victor over stereotypes.

Who do you think you are? Well I’m glad you asked. I can as most assertive people, be able to give you a clear description of who I am.

But few people can actually boast of a definite description of who they are. And no, I don’t mean your physical features or the works you have accomplished in your time on earth so far.

I am talking about a clear concise one paragraph personal statement of who you are. Most employers when asking for your personal objective in your resume are really just asking you to describe yourself in one paragraph.

Most prospective employees sadly, copy the identification of someone else or something fancy off the internet.

In identifying who you are, there are some sub questions that will help in your definition. Now this is more like an appraisal of the exact thought you have for yourself.


When you look in the mirror, what do you see? What does your reflection tell you? If your reflection tells you something negative, then I must ask you what you have been feeding your mind. What are the foundations that shape your thoughts?

You may not be responsible for the environment you were born or the experiences you had growing up. But, whatever you eventually become is a conscious decision to either be the victim of circumstance or be the victor over stereotypes – Olabisi Oluyele Adebiyi

So change what you feed your spirit, heart and mind through your eye gate, your ear gate and your mouth gate. If you have never had to before, you need to become a hawk over the things you allow into your life through those gates.


I don’t mean being the neighborhood champion of PS4. When you think of yourself what are the things your hands and mind can create that are not self-centered but are towards meeting the needs of other people.

You should also be thinking of social responsible actions that help other people be better or to experience life in an improved way.


I like sugar, spice and everything nice until you have rodents pay you a visit (just joking). What are the things about life that you truly enjoy? Start with yourself but always end up with doing things you like that would help someone else.


That’s alien to most black people and I sincerely don’t understand why? It’s surprising when you see someone attend ONE training and all of a sudden begins some strange marketing to reproduce the training and make a supposed ton of money with may I say half-baked information.

As a trainer, I know I don’t give out ALL my information in one class. Not because I can’t but most people will crash with too much information too soon. And yes I do give pro-bono training so that people who need but cannot afford might have some form of training that would upgrade their lives at that point.

So think very well about this question because it is all about being socially responsible.

With all these questions, then you can ask yourself more personal questions.

  1. What is my value system?

  2. What are my life principles and standards?

  3. What are deal breakers for me?

So, Who do you think you are? Ever been spoken to like that before? If you haven’t been able to answer the question, I am sure with these you can.

Written by Olabisi Adebiyi.

Olabisi Oluyele Adebiyi is a relationship coach, public speaker, trainer, blogger, media personality and a plus size fashion entrepreneur. She is driven with the passion to help people manage their relationships in whatever sphere in life. She strongly believes that a life of absolute balance is like reaching for the stars: if you don’t get to the stars, you should most definitely land on the moon. She loves music, cartoons, movies, travel, good food and the beach. She can be reached on the following social media platforms

Blog site: www.askyelelive.blogspot.com.ng

Email: oluadebiyi@gmail.com

IG: @iamoluyele

T: @iamoluyele

F: Askyelelive

G+: Olabisi Adebiyi

SOURCE - PULSE.NG posted by Campus94

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