Tithing: 3 interesting things Reinhard Boonke says about giving - CAMPUS94


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Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Tithing: 3 interesting things Reinhard Boonke says about giving

3 interesting things Reinhard Boonke says about tithe

The German evangelist has an unusual take on the controversial issue.

Reinhard Bonnke has addressed offering and tithing, the most talked about the subject right now.

Speaking at recently concluded Farewell Gospel Crusade in Lagos, the German evangelist warned attendees against giving their money to anyone.


Punch reports that he said, “We are here to bless you; we have brought you gifts of salvation and deliverance; we are here to give and not to take anything from you.

“Anyone who asks you to give offering for this crusade is a thief and should be reported immediately.”


Last year, September 22, Bonnke addressed this subject with a post on his Facebook page.

He wrote, “Tithe? New Testament giving has a new face. It is the face of JESUS. “How can I give a lesser sacrifice, when Jesus gave His all…”


This got 5.5K likes, 671 shares and 224 comments.

Prior to this, the evangelist had spoken on the issue in 2011 on the same social media platform.

On September 14, he said, “Giving is a love opportunity an expression of heartfelt worship, a love compulsion not a legal requirement. The idea of giving a tenth, is that Christian giving — calculating and careful?

“It is not New Testament, not after we saw how God gave and how Jesus gave. The Lord wants “an offering made by fire” — generosity on fire from a life on fire, liberality without a calculator.”

ALSO READ: Sadly, tithing is how many Nigerian Pastors use God to make money


Evangelist Bonnke was just in Lagos, Nigeria for his last crusade. It started on November 8, 2017, and ended on the 12th.


The crusade, which attracted crowds from all over the world, marks the end of the evangelist's era of preaching.


The mantle of leadership has now been passed to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda.

SOURCE - PULSE.NG posted by Campus94

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