I am just trying to get you into the same frame of mind with me. Picture life from my minds end. Life without fear, possible or not? How can fear be channelled positively?
As an establishment of the understanding of fear, it is an embargo or barricade that is created by the mind, to control the actions of an individual. Sometimes, the barricade becomes an emotional distortion to a person, as it reduces the capacity of work or activities of the individual.
So many people are scared of different things, some may or may not be harmful. Fear can also be a trick that the mind plays on you as an individual, making you believe you're in harms way, when you're probably safe. You may be asking, is it possible to channel it into positivity, so as to ensure growth? Let's find out.
Since fear is meant to guide the human mind, it should be used as a risk measuring tool. It should also be considered, as preparatory tool. When you feel fear, consider it as a lack of preparedness and work harder. A student is only scared of an exam when he or she fails to prepare adequately. Take this same concept into life in general and see how it works. When you feel fear, it should not mean stop, it should be a reminder that you are not in a comfortable or familiar environment, so, familiarize yourself with the situation. Fear should not be a stop signal but a get ready sign.
Fear cannot be removed from a man's life, it can only be controlled or channelled into yielding positive results. Risk taking is a characteristic of a brilliant mind. The most successful individuals are known for taking risks, not because they are not scared,but they have channelled their fear into something positive.
Fear is birthed out of that which we have no or little knowledge about. Do not run away from that which you do not know, study to know. Knowledge is the cure to fear. We fear because we do not know what is behind the door, we fear because the darkness holds that which we cannot fathom, with light fear disappears, and a sense of comprehension is realized. So many brilliant minds have lost in life's struggle, because they lack the proper understanding of the concept of fear.
Do not fear that which you do not know, understand it.
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