Sports: Patriots linebacker James Harrison reportedly spends $300,000 a year to fly out specialists to keep his body in top form - CAMPUS94


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Saturday, 3 February 2018

Sports: Patriots linebacker James Harrison reportedly spends $300,000 a year to fly out specialists to keep his body in top form


Professional athletes will go through a lot to stay in shape.
For aging athletes, spending money on health and wellness is an investment that can help add years to a lucrative caeer and each year could be worth millions more in income.
No player better embodies this idea than 39-year-old linebacker James Harrison, who recently joined the New England Patriots.
According to a report from ESPN's Jeremy Fowler, Harrison spends $300,000 a year just to keep his body in top form.
While younger players may get by with a personal chef and a quality home gym, Harrison, pushing 40, goes the extra mile when it comes to taking care of his body. Not only does Harrison see experts in acupuncture, chiropractic, and cupping, he even flies them out as needed.
As the report states:
For his muscles to handle the lifting sessions and the NFL grind, Harrison says he needs an acupuncturist, a dry needlist, three massage therapists, two chiropractors and "a person who does cupping."
But Harrison, 39, doesn't surf the net and read reviews like the rest of us. He goes underground for the most exclusive specialists.
"The people I use right now, you can't find none of them on Google," Harrison said.
That's where the $300,000 comes into play. Once he heard about these elite technicians and tried their services, he had to put them on the payroll. They are based in different parts of the country, including California and New York, so he pays their airfare and expenses to get them to town when he needs them.
According to Harrison, he sees each person at least once a week.
Harrison has posted photos of some of these sessions to Instagram, including the cupping treatments.
A post shared by James Harrison (@jhharrison92) on
And the acupuncture.
Acupuncture time #recovery
A post shared by James Harrison (@jhharrison92) on
It's something of an arduous process, especially when you consider that Harrison goes through the trouble of booking the flights on his own, and he has spent well over $1 million investing in his health. But as the report notes, that's a solid investment for a player that has made close to $70 million over the course of an extended career.
As Harrison puts it, "When it comes down to it, what I make versus what I spend, the payout is worth it based on how I feel."
This post was originally published in October and has been updated.
posted by Campus94

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