Educational Skills: Learn how to learn. - CAMPUS94


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Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Educational Skills: Learn how to learn.

Examine your life during your quiet time, make sure your thoughts are not only centered on the things you have done wrong but in the things you have done right.

Learning comes before teaching and good learners make more inspiring teachers.

Education is the key which will unlock the door of opportunity for you. If you educate your mind and your hands, you will be able to make a great contribution to the society. 

Education & Intelligence.

We can't expect heart insights on a regular basis if we haven't learned some basic skills. Our education should be such as to improve our minds and fit us for increased usefulness.

Our parents teach practical skills such as how to maintain good health, work diligently,  manage money and get along with others mentally and intellectually. We ought to foster education and intelligence of every kind, cultivate literary tasks and talents we want to get understanding. Do not wait to be compelled to do.  Push yourself to do,  to learn and to understand what you can do. First of all,  think of what you can do better and what you need to do better. Remember you need to cultivate a taste for the best within yourself so as to feed on the best.


Self Love.

Examine your life during your quiet time, make sure your thoughts are not only centered on the things you have done wrong but in the things you have done right. Those moments you were pleased with yourself. Avoid whatever will weaken your reasons of acknowledging yourself. When this is done,  you would somehow be reassured that you're still far from being perfect,  but you will be better today than you were yesterday. And that is supposed to give an awesome feeling of self confidence.

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Your character is woven patiently from threads of principles. This principles are what you need to follow to make you good better and best. It is more like the manifestation of what you are becoming. You see, life can get hectic and make it difficult for us to remember how much we can learn from doing better or how much progress we are making. But that shouldn't get you feeling depressed all the time. All you need is self love to understand history learn about yourself.

If you do not begin by loving yourself then there's no way you can learn about yourself. If you tell someone he/she has an attitude that isn't nice and they stand in your face and tell you that is how they are and no miracle can happen. My brothers and sisters they are only deceiving themselves because no one was born with an attitude. They picked the attitude as they grew older. You have the power to change whatever unpleasant attitude you develop. That is how you learn to learn.


Reflect Back.

When you sit in your quiet moment, choose one thing you can change and write down how you'll see it often. When mistakes are made, which are bound to happen, just know that no one was born perfect. You just need to be stronger and braver for you will do even greater and harder things than you have done. Do not demean or vilify yourself as if beating up yourself is somehow going to make us the person we want to become.

Rather training and practice, role-playing, study and observations can develop your skills. Sometimes, it is safe to think that we young folks do not fully realize the responsibilities that rest upon us because we are easily distracted by our ambitious ways to change the world and we do not see that some of the significant needs we can meet are within our families, friends and the community. We continue to learn throughout our lives to be better. It is called progress.

Written by Odawayi Ukandu.

Odawayi Ukandu is a creative writer, lover of arts&culture, food, traveling and is addicted to cakes and ice cream. You can link me up on Instagram; @odawayi,  twitter;@amakaukandu and on my personal blog

posted by Campus94

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